Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cookbooks from the 1940's Part II

The Good Housekeeping Cookbook, published in 1944. Over 900 pages packed tested, useful information - blurb on front facing page.

Woman's Home Companion Cook Book, published in 1946. Another hefty book with 894 pages including a few photos in both B&W and color.

The Gayelord Hauser Cookbook, published in 1946. Mr. Hauser  promoted the natural way of eating and there is a section juicing for both fruits and vegetables.

Let's Cook It Right - Good Health Comes From Good Cooking, published in 1947.

The United States Regional Cookbook, published in 1947. Earlier editions were published in 1939 & 1940.
The recipe for Kentucky Burgoo (makes 1200 gallons) calls for a TON of potatoes, peeled & diced plus one dozen squirrels for each 100 gallon.

Ida Bailey Allen's Cookbook - Delicious Meals at a Low Cost, published in 1948. Tiny book - about the size of a paperback, but with a hard cover.

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