Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Recipes on Parade Community Cookbooks

I found most of these books at a FOL sale on bag day, the last day of the sale when you stuff as many books as possible into a brown grocery store bag for $10.00. I was able to find 22 books and still didn't fill my bag.

Recipes are complied from military officers' wives.

Desserts, including Party Beverages, published in1965. With 200 favorite recipes.

Dining Travelers at Home and Abroad, published in 1975.

Salads including Appetizers, published in 1966. Book has 2,00 favorite recipes.

Foreign Foods, published in 1970. Book has 1,000 favorite recipes.

Fondue and Buffet Cookbook, published in 1972. There is a gorgeous photo of a red Cathrineholm fondue pot on the inside title page.

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