Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vintage Cooking Pamphlets from the 1940's Part I

A Guide to Royal Success in Baking, published in 1942. Booklet put out by Royal Baking Powder - made with pure cream of tartar!

A Guide to Royal Success in Baking, published in 1941. Another booklet by Royal Baking Powder.

Favorite Chocolate Recipes Made with Nestle's Semi-Sweet Chocolate, published in 1941.Many yummy chocolaty recipes.

New Magic in Cake Making - 54 Party Cake Suggestions, published in 1946. Published by Betty Crocker.

Favorite Recipes for Country Kitchens, published in 1945. Published by General Foods, it features their products: Swan's Down flour and Calumet Baking Powder.

Recipes for Good Eating, published in 1944. Published by Procter and Gamble Company, many recipes their product, Crisco.

New Recipes for Good Eating, published in 1949. Also by P&G, featuring Crisco.

Thrifty Recipes for Wholesome Foods for 2 and 4 and 6, published in 1942 by the Pet Milk Company.

Photo from Thrifty Recipes: Macaroni Ham Rolls - top and Angel Icebox Cake on bottom

Photo from New Recipes for Good Eating: Chocolate Cake with Orange Icing

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