Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vintage Cooking Booklets & Pamphlets 1930's Part II

The Sealtest Food Adviser for Fall 1938. Meals and menus for colder weather.

Choice Recipes - Successfully Complied by Members of The Women's Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Tacoma, Washington, published in 1938.Another directory style cookbook with local ads and recipes.

Rice - 200 Delightful Ways to Serve It, published in 1935. Booklet was put out by the Southern Rice Industry of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Attractive Meals, Planned Complete - 32 Menus, 72 Recipes, published in 1931. Booklet was complied by Rumford Baking Powder.

Neumode Hosiery Cook Book, published in 1937. A collection of customer's favorite recipes, Neumode gave out a pair of hose as a prize for recipes they liked.

Ball Blue Book of Canning and Preserving Recipes, Edition P-2, published in 1932.

Parties for All Occasions - Selected by Delineator Service, published in 1931. "To celebrate all the Fun Days throughout the year. Complied with glee and enthusiasm" per the inside page.

Pet Recipes, published in 1931. Pet Milk is featured in the recipes which were tested the Good Housekeeping Institute.

Cupid's Book, published circa 1938. Book was given to new brides, the previous owner was Ruth B. who married Ted K. on September 2, 1938. They were married at Immanuel Presbyterian Church.

Page from Pet Recipes

Page from Blue Ball Book of Canning:

Ad page from Cupid's Book:

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