Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vintage Cooking Booklets & Pamphlets 1930's Part I

Good Things to Eat - Kitchen Tested Recipes Made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, published in 1934. Booklet states this is the 110th (!) edition.

Knox Gelatine - Dainty Desserts, Candies and Salads, published in 1930.

Quick Easy Jell-O Wonder Dishes, published in 1930. Recipes for entrees, relishes, salads and desserts.

Happy Times Recipe Book, published in 1934. Recipes feature Calumet baking powder.

The Art and Secrets of Chinese Cookery, published in 1935. All the recipes use La Choy food products.

A Friend in Need - Facts Worth Knowing About Arm & Hammer as a Proven Medicinal Agent, published in 1934. Not a cookbook, but a guide to using both Arm & Hammer and Cow Brand Baking soda for various aliments.

Cheese and Ways to Serve It, published in1931. All recipes incorporate Kraft food products.

 Recipe from Cheese booklet - Cheese Bean Roast:

Menu Magic in a Nutshell, published in 1938. Recipes feature Diamond Walnuts - California's Finest.

Sunkist Fresh Grapefruit Recipes, published in 1937. Recipes for salads, beverages, desserts and more. Includes a few tips on using the grapefruit peel.

The "Silent Hostess" Treasure Book, published in 1931, by the GE Company, Electric Refrigeration Corporation. The previous owner's often used recipes were cottage pudding, ham mousse, graham cracker cake and stuffed eggs - as noted on the front inside page.

Sealtest Kitchen Recipes - World's Fair Edition, published in 1939. The fair's slogan was "Building the World of Tomorrow".  This booklet was given out for free to fair goers.

The Calumet Baking Book - New Edition, published in 1930. Yet another booklet featuring baking powder.

Gebhardt's Mexican Cookery for American Homes, published in 1932. Products from Gebhardt's include spaghetti & chili (canned), tamales, chili con carne, Mexican style beans with meat and deviled sandwich spread pates.

Page from the Silent Hostess booklet showing food arrangement suggestions:

Page from the Grapefruit booklet - baskets and bowls made from grapefruit:

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