Sunday, April 27, 2014

Estate Sale (4/18/14) - Savannah, UMC & Drinky Time

Stood in a light mist for the sale to start - then waited longer to check out than I did browsing the ENTIRE house! Of course I expected it since this particular company only has ONE person collecting money at their sales. I did walk away with a few books among other goodies and spent very little money.

Savannah Style, published in 1980 by the Junior League of Savannah (Inc.!). This is the 6th printing so I think although the copyright date is 1980 this book may only be a few years old as it's in pristine condition. Another great cookbook full of yummy Southern recipes. The previous owner did bookmark a few recipes: Scallops in Sherry, Rich Sherry Cream Cake and Apple Caramel Squares.

Savannah Seasons - Food and Stories from Elizabeth on 37th, published in 1996.  Recipes from the venerable Savannah restaurant founded in 1981. Lots of high end coastal cooking similar to dishes served at the restaurant. This book has only one bookmarked recipe - Crab Cakes.

Treasured Recipes, published in 1989 by Young Harris Memorial United Methodist Church in Athens, Georgia. My first cookbook from this local church (I try and purchase every cookbook from churches in Athens, which I may stumble across). Church ladies always have the best recipes! According to the introduction, there were three previous cookbooks put out by the ladies of the church in 1917, 1941 and 1981. Would LOVE to find the 1917 edition.


Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender's Guide, published in 1968. AKA "The Bible of Booze". The first edition was published in 1935 and was recently published as late as 2005. I found a few drink recipes written on cards between the pages: Tom & Jerry, My Diane and Cranberry Tea.

Tea Temptations, published in 1996.  All about tea! Hints for sugars and syrups, plus information on English High Tea. Recipes for many teas, including a few with alcohol.

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