Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Estate Sale - More Vintage Cook Booklets: Pillsbury Bake Off, Barcardi & Potato Chips

100 Bake-Off Recipes - Pillsbury, published in 1969. Recipes from the 20th annual Bake-Off. The winning entry that year was the Magic Marshmallow Crescent Puffs, made by wrapping a crescent roll around a marshmallow!

The winning entry!

Recipes and Party Ideas Starring Potato Chips, undated, but circa 1970's.  Published by the Potato Chip Institute (!!)  in Cleveland, Ohio and featuring Lay's products. In a majority of the recipes, chips are crushed and used as a topping or mixed into other ingredients.

Page from the Potato Chip Booklet :

The Bacardi Party, undated, but probably from the late 1970's ~ early 1980's.  Recipes for loads of rum based cocktails, daiquiris, exotic drinks, punches and hot-rum drinks. There are ideas for hors d'oeuvres (no rum involved) and a few entrees featuring rum i.e, adding a splash of rum to chili, fondue and kabobs. In the 70's I baked the infamous Barcardi Rum cake at least a dozen times!

Page from Barcadri booklet:

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