Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Purchases - Estate Sale Finds - Community Cookbooks

Bayou Cuisine: Its Tradition and Transition, (St. Stephen's Episcopal Church,Indianola Mississippi), published in 1979. The sticky note on the cover is a recipe for Cheesy corn muffins.  Very large cookbook that traces the the cultural influences of Delta cookery, from the Indians, Spanish, French and English, as well as Ante and Post Bellum periods. Scattered throughout are pictures of people and places from the region. I also found a letter from Alfred University (NY) requesting a $100.00 donation from the previous owner, an alumni of the school.

Recipe and Reminisce (Oconee County, GA Senior Center), published in 1980. Another large book loaded with recipes contributed by members of the center - some passed down through several generations. The reminiscence portion details the communities that make up Oconee County.

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