Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Purchase - Vintage Cookbooks (50% off!)

Visited my favorite thrift store for vintage cookbooks. They price fairly - usually the newer books are $1.99-3.99 with the vintage books starting at 59 cents to $1.59 . For some reason no one really buys any of the vintage books. Books I really want, I pay full price, but usually wait and return to buy when the books are on sale. I paid less than $3.00 for all of the following!

Time Life Food of the World Series - The Cooking of Spain and Portugal, published in 1975. I had a few other books in this series, but decided not to finish my collection, so I sold them at a yard sale. I bought this particular book since I lived and Spain and visited Portugal - LOVED the food in both countries.

Southern Living - Cooking for Company, published in 1985. Recipes and menus for all occasions, including weddings and sit down dinners (for 25!!).

The New Orleans Cookbook, published in 1972. Creole and Cajun cooking - again partial to the book since I attended college in Louisiana (hello Hammond!)  then lived in New Orleans for a few years after graduation.

The Auburn Cookbook, published in March, 1967. Published by the Auburn University Extension Service and sold for 50 cents a copy. Tips and recipes for all manner of cooking.

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