Saturday, October 5, 2013

Vintage Cookbook Finds - Yard Sales

Since the yard sale season is winding down and no home game today (I live in a college town) there were 25+ sales in my area. Dropped by 8 sales before I called it a day. (My motto is 2-10-10: two hours, $10.00 spending limit or 10am - whichever occurs first - today I hit my spending limit first). I found the following cookbooks (plus lots of other vintage items):

1968 Mrs. Georgia Recipe Book. The winner was from Athens, Georgia.

What's Cookin' in Athens, published in 1968. Recipes Compiled by the Athens Jaycettes. Another local community cookbook from my town!

Petite Sweets, no publication date. Recipes compiled from the employees of  Rich's/Goldsmith.

Party Plans for Food & Games, published in 1966.  Printed by Swift's Premium Meats.

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