Monday, December 23, 2013

New Purchases - Pies & Hungarian Cooking!

Found two super cheap cookbooks when I popped into a thrift store before doing my mom's grocery shopping. I needed a calm moment before tackling the SUPER CRAZY BUSY grocery store.

Great Pies You Can Bake, published in 1991.There are 365 recipes for every day of the year! Not sure if I could eat pie every day for an entire year, but I am willing to give it a go...

The Hungarian Cookbook, published in 1954. Another Culinary Arts Institute booklet, with 151 recipes.I don't recall ever eating Hungarian food. According to the book, Hungarians customarily drink beer or Tokay (wine) with their meal and also consume large quantities of coffee.

New Purchases - The 70's Revisited

The California Heritage Cookbook, published in 1976. Recipes compiled by the Junior League of  Pasadena, California. There are 500 pages of recipes, along with descriptions and the history of nine different regions of the state.

The Best of Home Economics Teachers Bicentennial Cookbook, published in 1975. The book is filled with a few recipes from historical statesmen (actually their wives!), regional favorites and much more.

Bless This Food - The Anita Bryant Family Cookbook, published in 1975. Family recipes from one of "America's best-loved entertainers", who I remember hawking orange juice in TV commercials in the 70's.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Purchases - Rice, Hors d'Oeuvres & Nantucket

Serve Rice and Shine - A Cookbook to Serve at Any Hour, published in 1963. Recipes compiled by the Rice Council for Market Development. Recipes range from appetizers, main dishes, salads and desserts. A few recipes incorporate a rice ring filled with the entree.

A Book of Hors d'Oeuvre, published in 1961. Canapes, pierced savories and cocktail yummies.

Nantucket Recipes - From the Fog Island Cafe, published in 1996.  Recipes are heavy on breakfast and baked good, plus soups. Of course, seafood is featured!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklets 1960's

Favorite Recipes from Royal Neighbor Kitchens, published in 1960. The second "flip-book" cookbook I own. Recipes are printed both both sides of the pages. Royal Neighbors of America is a life insurance company founded in 1895.

Dr. Ball's Cook Book, unknown publication date. Dr. Ball operated a clinic/health school In Excelsior Springs, Missouri from 1919 until he retired in 1953. The clinic stayed open until 1963 when it closed due to a damaging article in the Saturday Evening Post.

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklet 1950's Part 3

They Taste So-o-o Good!, published in 1955. Booklet published by Planters Edible Oil Company and features their products in recipes for simple snacks, family foods and party dishes.

Meat for Thrifty Meals, published in 1953. Booklet published by the USDA.

Watkins Cook Book, published in 1938 (another oops!). Recipes use products from the J.R. Watkins Company - from baking powder, food colorings, seasonings and extracts. Watkins also made medicinal preparations, toilet articles, soap products, household aids and stock and poultry preparations.

Page from They Taste Sooo Good!

Page from Watkins Cook Book

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklet 1950's Part 2

Pillsbury's 7th Grand National Cookbook , published in 1956. Another Bake-Off cookbook for my collection! The winning recipe was "Ring-a-Lings".

The Art and Secrets of Chinese Cookery, published in 1958. All the recipes feature La Choy Food Products.

Calorie Saving Recipes with Improved Sucaryl, published in 1955. All recipes use Sucaryl a non-caloric sweetener made with cyclamate (which has banned in the US since 1969.

Page from Pillsbury booklet - Hawaiian Pie

Page from Chinese Cookery booklet

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklet 1950's Part 1

250 Classic Cake Recipes, published in 1950. Yet another CAI booklet with lots of yummy cake recipes.

Good Housekeeping's Fish and Shellfish Book, published in 1958.  Recipes featuring fine foods from the ocean, lakes and streams.

Good Housekeeping's Book of Delectable Desserts, published in 1958. Recipes run the gamut from cakes, pies and cookies to desserts for outdoor cooks and even something special.

 Page from Fish & Shellfish booklet

Found in Fish & Shellfish booklet

Page from Delectable Desserts booklet

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklet 1940's Part 2

Betty Crocker Cook Book of All-Purpose Baking, published in 1942. Booklet contains 200 of the best tested recipes from the Gold Medal file. The front pages include a section on war time baking and rationing - focusing on ways to save sugar by using substitute ingredients.

Recipes for you Hotpoint Electric Range, published in 1949. Recipes focus on different cooking methods for the top of the range, the thrift cooker, oven cooking and using the broiler.

Here's Why They All Use Spry, circa 1940's.  Recipes incorporate Spry vegetable shortening.

Recipe and Instruction Book - Hamilton Beach Mixette, circa 1940's.

Page from Betty Crocker Cook Book

Page from Hotpoint Cook Book

Page from Spry Cook Book

New Purchases - Vintage Cookbooklet 1940's Part 1

500 Delicious Dishes from Leftovers, published in 194. Culinary Arts Institute booklet with recipes using leftovers from bread to vegetables (plus coffee & coca!).

500 Tasty Snacks - Ideas for Entertaining, published in 1954 (oops!). Another CAI booklet - the inside cover lists all 24 booklets (I own 8 from the list).

Unknown title, published in 1949.  No cover or tile page, but the booklet lists recipes from A-Z with photos from Kerr, California Fruit Growers, Walnut Growers and the National Live Stock and Meat Board.

Page from 500 Tasty Snacks

Page from Unknown Book

New Purchase - More Vintage Cookbooklets 1930's

10 Steps to Perfect Baking, published in 1937. Recipes use Calumet Baking Powder in the recipes.

Light Crust Recipes, circa 1930's. Published by Burrus Mill & Elevator Company in Ft Worth Texas, the booklet contains practical recipes using Light Crust Flour.

Aunt Jane's Cook Book, circa 1930's.  Published by McConnon & Company of Winona, Minnesota which began in 1889. In addition to baking products and spices, the company also manufactured medicinal preparations.

Back cover of Light Crust Recipes - promoting the Light Crust Doughboys, an American Western Swing band organized in 1931 to promote the flour, they disbanded in 1942.

Heinz Recipe
Book, published in 1939. All recipes feature a myriad of Heinz products. The booklet originally sold for 50 cents.

The Mazola Salad Bowl, published in 1939. Love the cover!

Page from Heinz Recipe book

Page from Mazola Salad Bowl

Another Round of Vintage Cooking Pamphlets ~ circa 1920's Part 2

Rumford Everyday Cook Book for the Housekeeper and Student, circa 1920's. Recipes incorporate Rumford Baking Powder - Lilly Haxworth Wallace was one of three persons who compiled the recipes for the booklet (I have several of her cookbooks!).

Knox Gelatine: Desserts Salads Candies and Frozen Dishes, circa 1920's. The booklet is dedicated to the IMPROVED PACKAGE of Knox Sparkling Gelatine. Knox was started in 1896 by Charles Knox and the business was taken over by his wife,  Mrs. Rose Knox when he died in 1908. She also wrote the recipes in the booklets.

Knox Gelatine Dainty Desserts Salads-Candies, circa 1920's. More recipes using Knox gelatine.

Page from Knox Gelatine: Desserts Salads Candies and Frozen Dishes

 Page from Knox Gelatine Dainty Desserts Salads-Candies

Another Round of Vintage Cooking Pamphlets ~ circa 1920's Part 1

Sperry Flour Company Cookbook, circa 1920s.  Sperry began operating in Stockton, California in 1852 and was acquired by General Mills in 1929. Typical booklet for its era, no pictures but a few vintage ads for Sperry products.

Jell-O America's Most Famous Dessert, circa 1920's.  The price of a box of Jell-O when the booklet was published was 10 cents.

The House of Walter Baker & Company, Ltd., circa 1920's. The Baker Chocolate Company is the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States (1780).  It was sold to General Foods in 1927 and incorporated into Kraft Foods in 1979.

Page from Sperry Flour Co. Cook Book

Page from Jell-O booklet
Page from Walter Baker & Co. booklet

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Purchases - Still Finding More Cookbooks!

A quick trip to my favorite thrift store yielded a few more books for the collection:

Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook, published in 1977. Yet another cookbook extolling the many uses for Bisquick! The book is actually seven mini cookbooks in one - with step by step instructions.

Are You Hungry Tonight - Elvis's Favorite Recipes , published in 1992. Bought the book for the tile alone! (plus the low, low price of 99 cents). Pretty much filled with Southern recipes - including the (in)famous Fried Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich.

Talk About Good!, published in 1977. First printing date was 1967. Another popular community cookbook, compiled by the Junior League of Lafayette, Louisiana. Also, another book I can mark off my wishlist!

Adventures in Good Cooking and the Art of Carving in the Home, published in 1948. Famous recipes compiled by Duncan Hines, with a very detailed chapter on ALL you need to know about carving!

The Farmers' Almanac Cook Book, published in 1964. More than 1000 recipes equally at home on the farm or in a modern apartment.