Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Labor Day Thrifty#1 ~ Vintage Cookbooks: Farm Journal Country Fair and Modern Approach to Everyday Cooking

Country Fair Cookbook, published in 1975. There are 300 Blue Ribbon winning recipes culled from country fairs around the United States ranging from breads, muffins, cakes, pies and cookies. Also included are tips on bread baking and quite a few pound cake recipes.  One recipe that caught my eye was  the Fluffy White Coconut Cake - I love a good coconut cake and most Southern cookbooks always contain at least one (if not more more) recipe. The book was a Christmas gift to the former owner from her mother and the only dog eared pages were for Apple Pie and Pecan Pie recipes.

Modern Approach to Everyday Cooking, published in 1966. The American Dairy Association produced this cookbook filled with 500 recipes which promise to add new flavor twists to favorite dishes. Short cuts using convenience foods, resulting in fewer ingredients, are some of the tips to add variety to everyday meals. There are also recipes to simplify meal preparation by using your freezer. The recipes run the gamut from appetizers, entrees and desserts.

One interesting notable feature is the cookware required for each dish is listed at the top of each recipe. The last chapter is an in-depth treatise on dairy products.

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