Friday, October 17, 2014

Breaking Post! Best Thrifty Finds of the Year So Far..........

After digging through 15+ boxes of newly donated books at a local thrift store, I hit the MOTHER LODE!  I bought only a dozen books and left many more - most were duplicates.  Someone donated a few boxes of vintage cookbooks, some of the titles were on my wish list and the rest were happy surprises. The best of the lot is by the Duchess of Windsor ~ "Some Favorite Southern Recipes". I have been looking for a copy for the past few years at a reasonable price and my persistence finally paid I love the thrill of the hunt versus buying a book outright on-line!

Entries for this lot will probably appear in December as I am running about 2 months behind in my posting versus my buying!  That's AFTER I took a mini-vacation in August to plow through 50+ books that had piled up....of course I haven't stopped buying more's a vicious cycle :)

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