Thursday, January 15, 2015

October Thrifty Week #4 ~ #3 Gulf Shore Delights & Pick o' the Patch

Gulf Shore Delights, published in 1989. This copy is the 5th edition with the original publication date occurring in 1984.  Recipes were complied by the Junior League of Ft. Myers, Florida. Many of the dishes are original and were solicited from family and friends plus a few local restaurants.

Of course many of the recipes reflect the coastal vibe of the area, but also the varied ethnicity of the area with quite a few Greek dishes popping up between the pages. Separating each chapter is an sketch by a local artist highlighting local flora, fauna and inhabitants. Scattered among the pages are tips and hints to enhance each dish, and in the entree chapter a suggested wine follows each recipe.

The book was a Christmas gift to the former owner from her daughter in 1989. I did find a recipe for Paella that looked intriguing....

Pick o' the Patch, published in 1981.  Large-ish community cookbook with 395 pages of recipes collected from family and friends of the Tri-Kappa philanthropic organization. The organization is unique in that it only exists within the boundaries of Indiana. It was started in 1901 by seven young ladies and today has grown to close to 9,000 members.

The recipes run the usual scale often found in community cookbooks, with a few quirky entries for local/regional dishes. There are several takes on a BBQ hamburger - known elsewhere as a Sloppy Joe, one or two mentions of a Bob Andy Pie and finally a recipe for Elephant Ears (found at the Indiana State Fair). The former owner also entered a few handwritten recipes of her own and definitely tried out a few in the book as the pages containing the Cream of Potato Soup and the Zucchini Nut Bread show obvious signs of usage (stains, etc.).

The last chapter offers a few oldie but goodies from previous cookbook endeavors in 1935, 1947 and 1974.

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