Sunday, February 15, 2015

November Thrifty Finds - Week 2 #2 Sophia Loren and Low Country Cooking

Sophia Loren's Recipe & Memories, published in 1998. There are 110 favorite family recipes as well as over 100 photos showcasing Ms Loren from childhood, her movie career and many of her making the dishes in the book. Alongside her recipes are anecdotes about the dish and reminiscences of her childhood.

The recipes in the collection include anti-pastas & small dishes, soups, pasta, rice & polenta, meat, fish, vegetables and of course desserts.  The meat section features many veal dishes as opposed to beef usually found in most cookbooks. All the recipes are identified by their Italian name followed by the English translation. 

The book was a gift to the previous owner Phyllis and appears to be signed Sophia!

Food, Folklore and Art of Low Country Cooking, published in 2010.  Recipes and tales from the Low Country (coastal South Carolina & Georgia) with contributions from regular folks, acclaimed chefs and restaurants. The opening chapters touch on the history of the Low Country and the influences on the culture and cuisine of the area from African, Caribbean, French, German & Scottish settlers.

Scattered throughout the book are essays on Carolina Gold (rice), the Gullah culture, eateries in the area, cooks and traditions as well as in-depth information on the three largest cities in the region, Savannah, Georgia, Charleston and Beaufort (both located in South Carolina).

The recipes begin with beverages and include both a dragoon and an artillery punch, followed by appetizers, sea food, rice & pilaus, soups/stews/gumbos, peanut recipes, pork - including hog's head cheese, vegetables, cornbread & grits and desserts.The entrées include poultry as well as local game ~ possum, racoon and gopher.

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