Wednesday, December 24, 2014

See, I Really Do Use My Cookbooks ~ Christmas Edition

This cake nearly did me in, it was the first thing I started making for our Christmas meal. Even being a strict adherent to Mise en place, I almost forgot to add the sugar! (I placed the bowl out my immediate sight range). Since I was using a few vegan products in place of dairy, I  had to account for the substitutions - which took a bit of guesswork. The hardest part was straining the raspberries (filling) as I own the world's oldest micro strainer . In the end it came out fine. It's from the Brown Betty cookbook - not it's NOT the cake on the cover ~ This is "Ask Rose" a Dutch Chocolate Cake with a Raspberry puree filling and smothered with Chocolate Buttercream.

And here we have the humble Cranberry & Apple Casserole - super easy to make and it is divine!

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