Saturday, August 8, 2015

Friends of the Library Sale Day 2 AND a Thrifty Buy ~ The Church Edition: St. Michael's and St. Peter's

Cook's Catalog, circa 1960's.All recipes in this largish (299 pages) community church book were compiled by worshipers of  St. Micheal's  Byzantine Catholic Church in Farrell, Pennsylvania. The opening pages are filled with recipes from former and/or current first ladies: Jackie Kennedy is represented by a meal of lobster, salad and mimosas, while Mrs. LBJ offers a chili dish and Mamie Eisenhower gives us sugar cookies. Other well heeled contributors include the royal family of Monaco (Pissaladiere) and Eunice Kennedy (Creme Brulee).

We begin with Soups and two recipes for a Slovak Christmas soup, then we head to Meats & Casseroles with jellied pig's feet, goulash, cabbage rolls, lots of dishes with veal and lamb and for some reason a lot of variations on sloppy joes.  In Meatless Dishes, there is an Easter cheese made with eggs, vanilla, milk & sugar, plus potato pancakes, tuna casseroles and other seafood options.

There is chapter on Vegetables, followed by Salads, which is filled with variations of potato salad, aspic and three bean salads, plus many congealed options. Salad Dressings & Sauces has mayonnaise, tartar sauce, a few BBQ sauces and a recipe for Elderberry wine.

Desserts gives us puddings, fluffs, cheesecake and cream puffs, with horns, Easter bread, Kolachie, rolls, dough nuts, Kuchen and strudel filling the chapter on Breads & Rolls. For cakes a few of the choices are fruit cake, coffee cakes, tortes, sponge cakes and jelly rolls followed by a short chapter on frostings. A few Cookie recipes include cannoli, snowballs, cream puffs, whoopie pies, turnovers and brownies, all succeeded by a slim section on Pies.

Nearing the end, Candies has caramel apples, popcorn balls, fudge and bon bons,while Canned Goods has recipes for pickles and relish.

Our 40th Anniversary Cook Book, published in 1979.  All recipes collected by the parishioners of St. Peter's Brentwood Episcopal Church, located on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In Appetizers, there are the usual cheese balls, dips, spreads, sausage balls, beef & kraut balls and a few pickle recipes, while Soups, Salads, Sauces & Dressings offers up LOTS of molded/congealed salads, plus aspic(!), a few varieties of slaw, many soups and chowders, plus  jellied corn beef with lemon Jell-O (???).

Main Dishes include stews, roasts, stuffed cabbage, brisket, stroganoff, LOTS of chicken dishes, plus salmon patties and loaves. In Main Dish Casseroles (+ Eggs & Cheese), we have a few pasta dishes, plus soufflés and stratas, while Vegetables run the gamut from cabbage and eggplant to rutabaga and squash.

Moving on, there is a recipe for coffee can bread in the chapter titled Rolls, Pies, Pastries & Breads, plus rolls, biscuits and several lemon chiffon pies, while Cakes, Cookies & Icings features coffee cakes, cheesecakes, a few spice cakes and LOTS of  cookie and bar recipes. Desserts are puddings, custards and crisps, plus a spectacular Rainbow Jell-O concoction made with 4 flavors of layered Jell-O.

Candies, Jellies, Jams & Canning has mints, butterscotch, caramels and fudge, in addition to the usual jams and jellies, while in Beverages and Miscellaneous, there are recipes for punches and pancakes. The last chapter is filled with basic kitchen information.

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