Monday, August 4, 2014

Estate Sale - Indigo Drive ~ Vintage Cooking Pamphlets: Peter Pan Peanut Butter & PET (Dry) Milk

The Peter Pan Peanut Butter Cook Book, published in 1963. Peanut butter isn't just for sandwiches! Well, there are few sandwich recipes, but also recipes for appetizers, breads, cakes, cookies and a few sauces. In the quick trick section, under meats, it is suggested that adding peanut butter to a meatloaf will make it bit moister. Or smooth some creamy peanut butter  on chicken or corn when grilling out.

I am a big fan of peanut butter, but have to draw the line. I once made this soup  , but it was so horrible, I tossed it and started on a SECOND dinner.

New Recipes, Using Instant Pet Nonfat Dry Milk, published in 1955.  PET Milk started in 1885 and is still going strong today. All the recipes, which range from beverages, desserts, salads, vegetables and main dishes use PET milk in one form or another.

I grew up drinking powdered milk and on occasion some type of shelf stable canned milk. Living on an island, most if not all of our food came by tanker. As long as the milk had chilled for a couple of hours it was delicious.

Page from Peter Pan:

Page from PET:

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