Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Purchases - Seafood Frenzy

Found a few great seafood books while thrifting the past 10 days. I really need new recipes for the coming year as I mostly eat seafood (or chicken).

Kinkead's Cook Book - Recipes from Washington D.C.'s Premier Seafood Restaurant, published in 2004. Kinkead's opened in 1993 and unfortunately closed in December of 2012. The photos are very appealing, now to see if I can replicate the recipes!

McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant Cookbook, published in 2005. This restaurant chain, with 80 restaurants scattered throughout the United States, was founded in 1973. Another book with lots of pretty pictures, the recipes look tasty too!

The last book I bought in 2013! I popped into a thrift store after leaving work early on New Year's Eve and found this gem.

Paul Naquin's French Collection Cookbook - Volume I, Louisiana Seafood, published in 1978. Mixed between the recipes are amazing photos and memorabilia of New Orleans. A few of the usual restaurants have recipes featured: Antoine's, Galatoire's La Provence and Versailles.

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