Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thrifty Saturday - Found More Books!

Stopped at 5 thrift stores while out running a few errands. Things are slowing down due to the holidays and I was pleasantly surprised to find a few more books for my collection.

Party Potpourri, published 1993. This is the 8th edition (Southern Living Hall of Fame Edition), it was first published in 1971 -which accounts for the totally GROOVY cover.  Recipes compiled by the Junior League of Memphis.

Tea Time at the Masters, published in 1983. The first edition was published in 1977. A collection of recipes complied by the Junior League of Augusta, Georgia.

The Congressional Club Cookbook, published in 1970 (8th edition). Features national and international recipes by club members (the wife of a sitting or former Member of Congress, Supreme Court Justice, or Member of the President’s Cabinet). The book is the main fundraising event for the club. The latest book was published in 2006 and is the 14th edition.

Ad found in the front inside page - for Virginia Slims cigarettes!

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