Sunday, March 31, 2013

My First Cookbook ~ BH &Gardens Cookies & Candies

This is the cookbook that started my collection, "Better Homes & Gardens Cookies and Candies" copyright 1966. I received it circa 1974 as a thank you gift from uncle after I sent him box of homemade cookies for his college graduation. I loved reading the recipes and even tried out a few. A few of my favorite recipes were handwritten in over the course of a few years. The book traveled with me to college ~  and beyond.

Over the years I have bought countless cookbooks both current and vintage. As of this writing, I have close to 500 cookbooks, but my collection fluctuates as I slowly run out of space. This blog will highlight my favorite vintage cookbooks.

Favorite picture from "Better Homes & Gardens Cookies and Candies" cookbook.

Recipe for Russian Tea Cookies. I still bake them every Christmas. I have probably made a batch almost every year for the past 30 years!